Last modified: 22 Sep 2010

Miscellaneous Frequently Asked Questions about Delirious?
How can I book the band for a concert?
All enquiries relating to booking Delirious? for a concert
should be made to the band's record company, Furious? Records.
For e-mail, postal address and telephone numbers, please see
Contact page.
Who is the girl in the 'Its OK' video?
Delirious? released
Its OK
as a single in the UK in February 2000. The video features a girl looking straight into the camera throughout the video. The girl is an actress named Dominica Warburton, who has also had minor appearances in TV and film productions. Dominica's face also appears as
the cover photo for the single.
Who is the face on Jon's Bass?
For many years, Delirious? bass player Jon Thatcher used
a Fender Jazz bass guitar at concerts, with a photo of
a face appearing on the pick guard (as seen in the photo of Jon in the Hammersmith Apollo dressing room
here). The photo is of Paul Newman
from Jon's favourite movie "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance
Kid". Jon later started using other bass guitars instead.
Who is the young boy on the cover of the 'Promise' CD-Single?
On 14th July 1997, Delirious? released 'Promise' as a single.
The cover of the
Promise CD Single
features a young boy in a Scout's uniform. The boy in question
is none other than Ben Thatcher, the younger brother of Delirious?
bass player Jon Thatcher.
They had crowd mics at the gig I saw, were they recording it for a live album?
Delirious? used crowd microphones at many gigs, even when they were not recording the
Colin Walker, one of Delirious' sound technicians, explains
why they have mics pointed towards the audience.
"We use
the crowd mics to give a sense of space/atmosphere into the
in-ear monitors, as they are so isolating. They are particularly
used at times of crowd response or involvement. For example
during the quieter worship songs such as 'What A friend' or
'Jesus Blood' the mics will be quite high in the mix. Also,
between the songs when Martin is speaking I will make sure
they are up so that he can hear the crowd shouting out".
How do I get permission to use a Delirious? song on my CD?
In order not to breach copyright regulations, you should
seek permission before reproducing Delirious? lyrics, or
including the songs in your own CDs or other recordings.
All enquiries should be made to the band's record company, Furious? Records.
For e-mail, postal address and telephone numbers, please see
Contact page.
What is Cutting Edge and why are there different versions?
When the band first started out, they used to perform at
youth events in Littlehampton (UK) called 'Cutting Edge'.
The band recording four short tapes containing the songs
that they performed at these events. The tapes were called
Cutting Edge 1,2,3 and Fore. When the band went full time
they changed their band name to Delirious? and released those
early tapes as two CDs, 'Cutting Edge 1&2' and 'Cutting Edge 3&4'.
The CDs were later given updated artwork, but the track listing
remained the same.
In 1998 Delirious? signed a deal with US record company
Sparrow Records to release several albums in America. They
repackaged the two Cutting Edge CDs as one double album,
simply called
Cutting Edge.
That CD was certified Gold (500,000 copies sold) in the
US in August 2001.
What does Mezzamorphis mean?
If you look in a dictionary, you won't find the word 'Mezzamorphis',
yet Delirious? named their 1999 album
What does the word mean? Actually it was made up by the band,
as a combination of two song titles from the album:
Mezzanine Floor
A Mezzanine Floor is an intermediate floor just above the ground
floor, but below the first floor. Metamorphis (or Metamorphosis)
is a marked change in appearance, character, condition, or function.
For example the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.
When combining the word Mezzanine with Metamorphis, you get the
title of the album, Mezzamorphis.
Is it true that Audio Lessonover is an anagram?
In 2001 Delirious? released an album titled
Audio Lessonover.
The album title contains a cheeky anagram, paying homage to
the delicate relationship the band had at the time with the
UK's biggest radio station. If you rearrange the letters,
Audio Lessonover becomes 'Radio One Loves Us'.
Radio 1
is a station owned by the BBC and broadcast from London, aimed
at teens and twenties. In some respects Radio 1 control the success
of pop bands in the UK, as by having Radio1 playlisting their song,
a band can almost be assured of an instant chart hit. On several
occasions Delirious? released songs but failed to get the support
from Radio1 that might have catapulted them to mainstream success
in the UK. Despite minimal exposure from Radio1 and other media
outlets, Delirious? still achieved an unprecedented chart success in the UK.
Why are there differences between UK and US albums?
On several occasions, the US version of Delirious? albums
have had slight differences from the original UK versions.
For example, in the UK Delirious? released the album
Audio Lessonover.
However, in the USA this album was rebranded as
Not only did the album have a different title, it also had
a different cover and track listing. Four tracks from Audio
Lessonover were missed off from Touch, and the song 'Touch'
was added in their place. In addition, two songs were remixed
on the Touch album: 'Love Is The Compass' and 'Waiting For The Summer'.
The album
Glo has a different album cover in the
UK than it does in the USA. The US version of
has a different cover and two additional tracks ('Jesus Blood'
and 'Deeper 99') than the original UK album.
The US version of
King Of Fools
has two tracks that were remixed (Deeper and Revival Town) and one additional
track (Louder Than The Radio) than the original UK album.
The reason for these differences between the UK and US versions
of the same albums is all down to the differences in target
audiences. In the UK, Delirious? aim their albums at a combined
audience of secular (mainstream) and Christian markets. However
in the US, their albums are mainly targeted at the Christian music
scene (something that doesn't exist in the same way in the UK). In order to make
the albums best suited to these respective markets, it is sometimes
necessary to slightly alter the albums so that they better satisfy
the demands of the audience. In using a different record company to
release their albums in the US, Delirious? are able to take advice on
how best to promote their albums for the US market place.
Why is there a gap between the UK and US releases of an album?
Often there has been a gap of several months after Delirious?
have released their latest album in the UK before it is released
in the USA. This occurs for several reasons.
In order to promote an album prior to, and immediately after, it's
release, a band need to carry out interviews with the media in the country
of release, and perform concerts to raise their profile and increase
awareness of the new songs. If an album is released simultaneously in
the UK and the USA, it is very difficult for a band to promote it
properly in both countries. By staggering the release dates, the band
are able to concentrate fully on each country in turn.
Another factor is that Delirious? albums are released by a different
record company in the USA. This restricts when an album can be released,
meaning that it is not always possible to release an album at exactly
the time the band would have wished.
What is the font used for the Delirious? logo and where can I get it?
The official Delirious? logo (shown in one of its various colour forms in the top right corner of this web page) uses a font named 'FungFoo'. It is available
from various websites including
here (search for 'FungFoo').
When Stew left the band and Paul joined, why did the band switch stage sides?
When Stew Smith was the Delirious? drummer, the band generally
performed concerts with Stew back-right of the stage (as the
crowd look at it), Jon immediately in front of him, Martin in
the middle and then Tim and Stu on the left. When Paul Evans
took over as the bands drummer in May 2008, the band switched
things around so that Paul and Jon were on the left of stage
and Stu and Tim on the right. The reason for this is because unlike
Stew, Paul is a right handed drummer. Keeping Paul on the right
would have meant he would be facing the outside of the stage, but
when switched to the other side he is facing the inside of the stage.
Since Jon likes to have the drums behind him and feel them, it
made sense to swap Jon and Stu as well.