'Summer' Exposure
Last modified: 11 May 2001

Artist: Delirious?
Label: Furious? Records
Date: 11 May 2001

Dear d:fans,

Years pass by and just when you think the tour with Bon Jovi is all you get, along comes the train with more carriages than you'd ever expect.

Well, you wonder, what are we dithering on about?

Just that the BBC's Live & Kicking has hailed the d:boys as the next big thing and have committed to playing the band's new video on Saturday 12th May during the Popaholics part and not only that have asked the boys to come in and perform this summers pop-tastic anthem on Saturday the 26th of May!

Adding to this, MTV2 have playlisted the video, The London Evening Standard want to do a feature on the band, a TV documentary is being filmed, HMV, Virgin Metastores and even Woolies will be giving us the support to make this the biggest effort to date.....

Radio 1 and Capital Radio you ask? Well, they are discovering that the d:boys are the real thing. Playlist meetings next week will be a buzz with the words "delirious?" and "waiting for the summer", so we have to watch this space to see their reactions.

Don't forget the release date 4th of June for the new single "waiting for the summer".

We have always talked about breaking down the walls, well we can only see rubble from where we are sitting! Now is the time.

Mr Furious?.

Related Pages:
Singles: Waiting For The Summer