'Inside Outside' Single Released In Germany Today
Last modified: 08 Mar 2004
'Inside Outside', the first Delirious? single ever to be launched in Germany, is released today (8th March). The single has already been generating huge amounts of interest in Germany, and is soaring high in the German Radio Airplay Charts. 'Inside Outside' is at number 1 in SWR3's chart (Germany's biggest radio station), and was the most requested song in February on the North German station NDR2.
The video to 'Inside Outside' is currently being played nearly every hour on the German TV station 'VIVA plus'. Delirious? are also featured in a full-page article in the current issue of the German edition of Rolling Stone Magazine. The 'Inside Outside' single has been released by mainstream label BMG who recently signed a deal with Delirious? to promote the band in Germany.
BMG also released the latest Delirious? album 'World Service' on 1st March in Germany. The album is currently NDR2's
Album of the Week. Delirious? will be in Germany next week to promote 'World Service', when they carry out a tour of German radio stations between 15th and 17th March. They will also be performing at a media showcase for the album on 16th March at the Atomic Cafe in Munich.