South African Reason
Last modified: 17 Jan 2006
Today I put an
article on the site written by a guy called Jason Zeeman who is the frontman of a rock band called
Reason from South Africa. Jason's band supported Delirious? at their concert in Johannesburg, South Africa, back in November.
A couple of weeks ago I got an e-mail from a guy I know only as 'JP', who is the manager of the band 'Reason'. JP asked if the band he managed could write an article for my site about the time they spent with Delirious? as support band. I have to confess that my first thought was that he'd mistaken my site for the
official Delirious? site (it happens from time to time). So I wrote back explaining that I just run this fan site not the official site. But JP persisted, saying that he was aware my site was a fan site but he'd still like me to publish an article the band wanted to write. Of course I was delighted to do this, and a week later the band's lead singer, Jason, e-mailed me the article. They also sent me a whole load of superb photos of Delirious? from the Johannesburg concert. In addition to the ones I've used on the site, this post contains a few more taken by a guy named Francois Van Vuuren.

I think Jason has written a really interesting behind the scenes account of the day he spent meeting Delirious?, watching them sound check, and then getting up on stage to act as their support band. I often put gig reviews on the site, but this one comes from a slightly different angle. It is brilliant to hear how much of an impression Delirious? made on this guy and the thousands of fans who turned up for the show. Jason says that in meeting Martin he could
"immediately sense the hand of God upon him and can’t help but realize that he is somewhat of a modern day David, a man who knows his God and loves to chat with Him." How about that for a first impression?