U2 or socks?
Last modified: 26 Nov 2004
Anyone with even the slightest interest in music can't help but haven't noticed that a certain new album has been released this week.
U2, often referred to as the biggest band in the world, are back with a new album titled
How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb. Respected industry insiders are already predicting that it will be one of the biggest selling albums of the decade - not bad for an album that's only been in the shops a few days. For many years now U2 have been setting the standard for other bands to follow. Bands like Delirious?, who are often compared to U2, can only aspire to the level of success that U2 have achieved.
There are several quite incredible stories behind this new album from U2. First is that through their link-up with the hugely popular iPod/iTunes, Apple are spending $20million worldwide promoting U2 in TV and Print commercials. That is the result of some very shrewd marketing negotiations from U2's management. For an album to be a success, promoting it properly is essential. But U2 have managed to get $20million worth without their record company having to spend anything. Not bad!
Another fact about the new U2 album that interests me is that it would have been ready for release nearly a year ago but for a decision the band made this time last year. U2 scrapped a year’s worth of work on the album with the original producer and started again with a new producer (Steve Lillywhite). Not only is that an incredibly brave thing to do, it must also have been quite heart breaking to realise that an entire years work was never going to see the light of day. But it does show U2's dedication to producing the absolute best work they can.
It amuses me that within six months of a new Delirious? album being released (if that), a load of fans are already demanding the next album. If it goes more than about 18 months between albums, people start to panic. Imagine what would happen if Delirious? spent a year recording an album, only to scrap it and start again. Delaying the release of an album by a year would have some sections of the fanbase up in arms. I guess when you're a band as big as U2, you can get away with that, people don't expect a new album every year.
Have I bought the new U2 album yet? It pains me to admit it, but unfortunately not. When pressed by my parents for some ideas of what they could buy me for Christmas, I stupidly suggested they get me the new U2 album. Now I'm stuck waiting for Christmas, not daring to buy it in case my parents have bought it for me. Why didn't I just ask them for socks?