Neil Morrisey at Glastonbury (BBC Radio 1's Entertainment News)
Last modified: 23 Jun 1999

Source: BBC Radio 1's Entertainment News
Author: unknown
Date: 23 Jun 1999 (6:40pm)

Music fans from all over the world are currently making their way to the Glastonbury Festival which kicks off this weekend. Amongst them is a festival goer who will know how to behave badly, that's Neil Morrisey. He's going there to catch up with some mates he met in Hollywood, a band called Delirious? who sound like this.
[Short extract from Deeper]

Neil Morrisey: "I was walking down Venice beach, I was out there meeting loads of people, movie people, you know. And I was walking down Venice beach where lots of people, the joggers of LA, go out, and the skateboarders and the cyclists. And two guys stopped me and said 'alright mate, great show on tele at Christmas' I was completely shocked. It turns out they're two members of Delirious?

They invited me out that night to a party with the head of Virgin in America, Ray Cooper, in this mansion. So I went and rock and rolled with the guys 'til about half past five in the morning at this party, it was wicked.

We're going to be at Glastonbury on the Sunday. They're going to stay at my hotel in Somerset, we're going to chopper them in and I'm going to introduce them on stage at Glastonbury."

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