Film Crew Follow Delirious? For TV Documentary
Last modified: 10 Apr 2003

Film Crew Follow Delirious? For TV Documentary Delirious? once again look set to be featured in a TV documentary in the UK, after a film crew from the Meridian TV company spent the past few weeks filming the band. The 30 minute programme will be part of a series of documentaries on 'The Arts' for ITV. One of the documentaries will be based on the life and work of Delirious?

The film crew have shot footage of Delirious? while they were in the studio working on their new album, as well as at their Furious? Records offices and on their recent trip to the USA. The documentary is being edited at the end of April and is scheduled to be shown on TV in May or June this year.

Back in 2001 a film crew spent time filming Delirious? for a possible TV documentary, but unfortunately it was never shown on TV. Things look more hopeful for this documentary, although precise details are not yet confirmed.

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