Delirious? Back Catalogue Now Available On iTunes
Last modified: 03 Jan 2006

The entire back catalogue of Delirious? songs is now available on Apple's UK iTunes online music store. Until now only a limited number of the band's albums had been available to buy online, but now fans are able to download any Delirious? song for just 79p. This also includes the latest album from Delirious?, 'The Mission Bell' which was released on CD in November.
Over the past 12 years Delirious? have notched up an impressive 105 individual songs. In addition to making their 8 UK studio albums available for download on iTunes, the live album 'Access:d' and best-of worship album 'Deeper' are also available. The band's Spanish language album 'Libertad' and the US version of 'Audio Lessonover?', titled 'Touch', plus several of the singles released in the UK are also available on iTunes.
Says Furious? Records,
"Every single Delirious? album will be available on iTunes. That's right, absolutely everything they've every released. Even The Happy Song will be made available to the waiting world. Let's hope they know how to use it." iTunes is the world's most popular music download service and currently has more than 1.7 million songs available to buy. It is available to both Mac and Windows PC users and music fans have purchased over 600 million songs worldwide to date using iTunes. Delirious? songs are also available on iTunes in other countries, including the USA and Germany.